- マニュアルに当然記載{とうぜん きさい}されているべき情報{じょうほう}を説明{せつめい}する
explain information that should have been included in the manual 意味
- "explain in minutely" 意味
- "explain in one's ruling" 意味
- "explain in plain words" 意味
- "explain in simpler terms" 意味
- "explain in whisper" 意味
- "explain ingeniously" 意味
- "explain lucidly" 意味
- "explain medical situations in lay terms" 意味
- "explain more clearly to someone why one is willing to" 意味
- "explain in simpler terms" 意味
- "explain in whisper" 意味
- "explain ingeniously" 意味
- "explain lucidly" 意味